“I became engaged to Owen Kinsman (Z-B ’59) in June, 1963.
We met through his sister , my friend and classmate, Leah Kinsman Clark.
We got married April, 1964, and just celebrated our 39th anniversary.
I worked at Abbott Labs until our daughter, Tamra, was born in 1966.
We bought a new home in 1968 and still live in it today. We have remodeled
and added on which has been fun. Our son, Robert, was born in 1981.
My husband has worked for Benson Electric in Waukegan for most of our
married life and hopes to retire soon. We have been blessed with not
only a wonderful family, but with a great son-in-law and two beautiful
granddaughters, Alyssa & Hauile. They live nearby so we are able
to spend a lot of time with them. I had no idea that being a grandmother
would be so rewarding and enjoyable. My parents, Ed and Loretta Koranda,
live about 5 blocks from us and we are so fortunate to have them close
by. Ed Koranda (retired Z-BTHS teacher)is 85 yrs old now and my mother
is 86 yrs. They celebrated their 40th anniver-sary last April. Over
the years I have enjoyed crafts, wall papering, sewing, baby sitting,
gardening, camping, decorating, and motorcycling. We also have a tiny
dog named Snuggles. Looking back over the years, I have come to the
conclusion that you should enjoy EVERY moment to the fullest. I only
wish that I could go back and do it over again. I will not be able to
attend the reunion, but I would like to wish all my classmates the very
best of health and happiness.”