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60th Reunion News
On Saturday, October 28, 2023, our 60th class reunion will be at Stone Creek Grill in Winthrop Harbor, IL (just south of the state line on the west side of Sheridan Road) at:
206 Sheridan Road
Winthrop Harbor, IL
(847) 746-2020
Contact the Committee Click Here
We want to see you in September!!
Please take the time to send us an email in order to update your achievements and life in general. Instead of a booklet, we will include your updates on the web site.
This will be a time to reminisce. Bring your memories! Do you have any old photos or mementos that would be fun to share? Please send them or bring them to the reunion with you. We will have a table to display memories. If you would like to send a current photo of you with or without your family (especially if you cannot attend the reunion), we would love to have it! Most of all, we want to see you! Please plan to attend!!
????? Questions? Contact One of the Reunion Committee members:
Class of 1963 Reunion Committee
Sandy Dickson penwiz99@earthlink.net 847.872.1886
Rick Hauenstein lricks@prodigy.net
512.428.4218 or 737.336.3396
Gibbie Buchholtz gibbiebuck@gmail.com
Ron Lancaster usaf5554@gmail.com
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