I guess I could say I have come full circle as far as my living arrangements
go. My husband and I are now living back in Zion, in the house I have
owned since 1970. My husband David has retired and we decided to scale
back, so we moved back to Zion. We have a motor home and plan to do
lots of travel-ing. We were able to see lots of places in the world
when he worked for Bechtel. For a little ole Harbor girl, this was very
exciting! I am so grateful to have had all the wonderful experiences.
God sure has created some beautiful sites and wonderful people! My husband
says I have to keep working for at least another year. I am still driving
the school bus…22 years! There used to be a few teachers around
that were there when we were in school, but not anymore! I will be on
a real high at the reunion. We will just be returning from a trip to
Disney World with the grandkids! Life is good and God is great! Looking
for-ward to seeing everyone at the reunion!”