“I received a BA from IL Wesleyan University in Religion, 1967,
and MTh and Dmin from Southern Meth-odist University, Perkins School
of Theology, Dallas, Texas. I married Richard Miller in 1967. We have
two daughters, Heather, 30, and Mary Susan, 26. Heather was Peace Corps
Lesotho, Southern Africa for 3 years, now teaches Native American children
in Minneapolis while her husband works on his PhD. Mary is a grad student
at Columbia University. My husband and I have been pasturing United
States Methodist churches for over 30 years. I have written for Cokesbury
and currently write for Kerygma stud-ies for adults. We like to camp
in National Parks and are working on two medical missions to Peru later
this year. We went to Peru in January. Have also traveled in Africa
and Central America. And, yes, I did marry a man with the same last
name…what are the odds?”