“Got married in 1965 to one of my college professors. Lived in
Minnesota ‘til I finished college. Moved to Chicago for 5 years
where my husband worked for a big 8 accounting firm and got his CPA.
In 1973 moved to Virginia Beach and bought the house we are still living
in. My husband is still teaching account-ing at Norfolk State University
and plans to retire in 2 years. I was a stay-at-home Mom of 4 sons (now:
David, 36; Christopher, 33; Robb, 31; Jonathan, 29) but started a small
in-home Shaklee business in 1979 which has grown into a full-time career
for me. I do a lot of traveling for business and pleasure now. Looking
back I am amazed at what a good, solid education I received in the Midwest
and am grateful for the inspiring teachers I had.”