Ken came to ZBTHS from Winthrop Harbor; then attended IL Institute of
Technology, and received his MS from Central Michigan University. “Entered
the Navy immediately after college and retired after 24 years of active
duty. During the last 3 years was assigned as a faculty member at the
Defense Institute of Security Asst. Mgmt. (DISAM) and, upon retirement
in 1991, was hired as a civilian member of the faculty. Have been there
ever since. DISAN is located at Wright-Patterson AFB near Dayton, OH.
Finally met my wife, Pat, in 1973 while on a ship homeported in her
home town of Charleston, SC. Both of us have seen a lot of the world,
both while in the Navy and with my current job. We have two beautiful,
grown daughters now on their own after completing college. Trisha is
an attorney in Atlanta and Carrie is with the student housing affairs
office at Marquette University in Milwaukee. For those who knew them,
my parents are still very healthy now living in southern Illinois where
my father was raised. The only advice I have for anyone is meet the
love of your life right away and start the good life early. Make sure
she is the right one though. I was lucky with this part.”