“The first ten years were filled with college, getting married,
teaching 9th grade math in Arkansas (while Rick was in the Air Force),
moving back to Illinois and starting a family in Gurnee. Then on to
the next 30 years. I enjoyed being a part of the Parent Teacher Organization
in Gurnee Schools, being a Cub Scout Den Mother for four years and the
Pack's Committee Chairman for a year, coaching an after school activ-ity
called Odyssey of the Mind for several years and attending numerous
baseball, soccer and tennis meets the boys played in. Rick started me
playing golf, but I really never got into it. We also played tennis
and I enjoyed that and took more lessons and played with a group of
friends year round at an indoor facil-ity in Waukegan until tennis elbow
got the best of me. I worked as a bookkeeper for nine years. During
the time my younger son was in high school at Warren, I got involved
in a Fine Arts Booster organization at the high school. This was a springboard
for me that led to being elected to the Warren High School Board of
Education. I served 8 years, 4 of those as vice president. While on
the board I got interested in a statewide education organization, Illinois
Learning Partnership. This led to being a member of their state focus
group on teacher induction. I then was on State of Illinois Board of
Education panel on teacher in-duction for one year. I decided to "retire"
from volunteering at that point. At least for now!”