Barb Kris

“I have maintained close contact with four of our classmates, Linda Maxwell-Unseth, Roy Johnson, Marlyn McKean Cook and Sandy Dickson. Although I have a lot to say about them, let them write their own biographies. I started college at Marquette University and transferred to the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Upon graduation from the U. of I., I left the lovely State of Illinois, to search for gold in California, and of course started out not only without any gold, but also on a starvation diet. I taught school for one year and became a probation officer, but then my luck improved. I married Steve Wertheimer, an orthopedic surgeon and we remained in California. I went into real estate and became a broker in California. After I had bought and sold half the state, I decided to retire from being a broker and I now just manage properties. I did some graduate school training in psychology at USC, and I can harass my family by telling them I know why they do what they do. My favorite pastime is analyzing Steve. We have four daughters. The oldest is 31 years old and is a physician specializing in physical medicine and non-operative orthopaedics. She recently joined my husband in his practice. Our second daughter has a masters degree in psychology and is currently a Doctor of Psychology candidate at Pepperdine University. Daughter number 3 recently graduated from Whitman College and is taking postgraduate courses to fulfill requirements to get into veterinarian school. My youngest daughter is now 20 years old and is a junior at the University of Redlands in California. I still love to swim and I try to swim a mile or so every day. I travel quite often just for fun, sometimes accompanying Steve in his business, and other times just having a good time. I’m scheduled to travel to Holland with Linda Unseth in October and No-vember, leaving Steve at home to take care of horses, children, dogs (4) and himself. I hope that the house is neat and tidy when I get home, although that would be a first in the history of the Wertheimers. I wish that all of your are looking forward to the second half of your life with joy and optimism. I would love to hear from anyone who wants to write or call. My address and phone number are: Box 7000-170, Redondo Beach, California 90277 and 310.378.3432.”