“In September of 1963 I started commuting to Carthage College
in Kenosha. I graduated in June of 1968 with a BA major in history and
social science. However, my student deferment from the military was
also over so that September I was drafted into the Army. While in training
I enlisted for one more year as a hedge against being in the infantry.
The enlistment officer said I had good scores in the supply field. I
asked if there were people in supply stationed at Ft. Sheridan. He said
“of course”. My three years in the Army were ½ year
Ft. Lee, VA; one year Viet Nam; 1½ years Germany. While in Germany
I had the op-portunity to do a lot of site-seeing. In Sept. 1971 I was
discharged and in March 1972 I started working for AAA Chicago Motor
Club and am still working there.”