“My husband Michael and I just celebrated our 30th anniversary.
We have 2 sons, Joshua and Matthew. Joshua graduated from West Point
in 1999 and is now a Captain in the Army; currently stationed at Fort
Riley Kansas. He is assigned to a Military Police Battalion on the Battalion
staff; he plans to be discharged in 2003 to pursue a career as a civil
engineer. Matthew graduated from NIU in 2000 with a de-gree in Operations
Management and Information Systems. He works for Moore/-Wallace Business
Forms as a computer operator, enjoying his job. My husband is going
to retire from the Electrician’s un-ion, Local 150, soon. I have
been working for the Lake County Housing Authority for the past 13 years.
In my spare time I have become a quilter, making many quilts for family
and friends; but now it has be-come an addiction. I have four quilts
in progress! Attending plays locally and in Chicago, and some times
in New York, has become another love. We are very fortunate in Lake
County to have several wonderful playhouses; two are PM&L in Antioch
and Marriott in Lincolnshire. Both sons are dating girls long distance;
Josh is seeing Senia who lives in Ottawa, Canada, and Matt is seeing
Katherine who is a senior at Tulane in New Orleans. So, poor me, no
grandchildren, and no baby quilts to make! My advice: Although I am
looking forward to retirement, I want to enjoy each day and not wish
my life away.”