Children: Darrell Ricks Hauenstein (36) born in Zion, IL; Derrick Charles
Hauenstein (32) born in Mt. View, CA. Grandchildren: Samantha Jo Hauenstein
(11); Megan Marie Hauenstein (10). Attended: Northern Illinois University,
DeKalb, IL, 1963; DeVry Technical Institute, Chicago, 1964 - 1966 AAS;
DeAnza Community College, Cupertino, CA, 1969 - 1971 AA; Texas Tech
University, Lubbock, TX 1974 - 1976 BSIE; Texas Tech University Graduate
School, MS in Applied Physics. “After graduating from DeVry in
1966, moved to the San Francisco Bay area to work at Lockheed Missiles
and Space Company. Talk about your culture shock. Not only was the move
to California a severe culture shock, but the com-pany (Lockheed) was
3 times the size of Zion!!! But after about 10 minutes, I fell in love
with California!! Due to some temporary lapse in judgement, after 6
years in CA, we moved back to Illinois (Glendale Hts). That's when I
realized why I left the cold northland in the first place!! After two
years (1974), Texas In-struments recruited me for their new Lubbock,
TX facility. OK, so it isn't California...but it was SOUTH!! In 1981,
I moved to Austin and went to work for Motorola. I have been in Central
Texas since 1981! I am currently working for myself as a free-lance
tech writer and web developer. I am not getting rich but I am definitely
happier. Besides, I can't downsize any further than I am!! If you would
like to visit my website, go to http://www.lricks.com . I recently joined
a newly formed orchestra, named the Hill Country Commu-nity Orchestra.
And after 40 years (yes, the last time I played my French Horn was in
the marching band at NIU in 1963!!), I have found that it all comes
back to you with a little practicing. Other neat things I've done include
traveling. I've been to Korea, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Finland,
Denmark, Russia, and of course several trips to Canada and Mexico. My
goal is to visit Iceland since that is the only Scandina-vian country
I missed!! Advice? At this age? I think my advice would be better suited
for people 40 years younger. We are all beyond listening to advice from
our peers!! However, I will say that I was for-tunate to know almost
everyone in our class and literally grew up with at least 1/3 of the
class. My sons moved from different cities way too often to have roots.
And I regret that!”