"How do you put into a few sentences the things that have happened
in your life over a 40 year period? As with everyone else, there have
been good times & experiences, and some not so good. I guess my
life sounds boring since I'm still living in Zion, bit I do go into
Chicago quite a bit since my daughters and son-in-law are there, and
of course my "little dickens" granddaughters. All during my
childhood years our fam-ily traveled to Georgia for 2 weeks in the summer
to visit relatives, so I'm very familiar with that part of the country.
Since 1963: 2 weeks after graduating I started working at Great Lakes;
after 6 months trans-ferred to Internal Revenue in Chicago; got married;
had my first daughter; went back to work at Great Lakes for about a
year; had my second daughter; husband and I were transferred to New
Jersey for 3 years; came back to Zion; were separated and divorced;
was able to stay home until my youngest daugh-ter was in school; then
went back to work at OMC; Mid-Way Heating Supply; Illinois Beach State
Park Lodge; Waukegan Developmental Center; Jamb (store); American International
Hospital; & Osco Drug. Life is an adventure and I'm eager to move
on. I try to live my life in the confidence God gives -- that He who
began a good work in you will carry it out to completion until the day
of Christ Jesus."