“Basically two careers in my working life. Spent 16 years with
US Steel Corp, the last 8 of them as an Operations Supervisor. Received
a vested pension from that company when their operations facility closed
in Waukegan as I did not want the transfer that I was offered. Got into
the radiation protection field in commercial nuclear power plants and
have been doing that since 1982. Did have an interest in a tavern business
for a couple of years between the two real careers. Sherry and I made
the move to Arizona in 1987, and I will finish my career (approx. 5
years to go) at Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station which is about
55 miles west of Phoenix. I am currently a Radiation Protection Section
Leader. The job is rather challenging since the 9/11 fiasco. We have
the largest electric power producing site in the United States. Annually,
we are consistently one of the top five in electric power production
in the world. Probably would not change much if I had it to do over
again. Maybe would have moved to Arizona sooner. Sherry and I have been
together for a long time. We celebrated our 38th wedding anniversary
on July 16. I am not a Grandpa yet. I am still an avid Green Bay Packer
fan and that will never change. Go back to Lambeau Field for at least
one game a year. This year will be an exception as I have plans to attend
4 games at Lambeau. Will also catch them in Tempe when they come out
to play the Cardinals. And might just make the trip to San Diego as
they will be there this season also. Do attend a lot of Ari-zona State
University sporting events. They have a beautiful university in Tempe
and it is a really nice town. Also I am a Fiesta Bowl subscriber as
I have ten prime tickets for that event each year. Enough, already,
and I am looking forward to seeing all who attend this fall.”